Active transportation guidance for planning studies

Explore active transportation-related considerations to develop a quality planning study.

Multimodal, active transportation and Complete Streets considerations should be a part of the conversation throughout plan development (continuing through programming and design). An integrated multimodal approach leads to the best long-term outcome for all transportation system users, including pedestrians, bicyclists and all other forms of legal travel beyond automobiles.

Before you start

Consider how the planning process can help WSDOT prioritize infrastructure investments to fill gaps and address barriers in the transportation network and increase safety for all users.

Key tasks

For a multimodal active transportation and Complete Streets approach to planning studies:  

Slow down – lives are on the line. 

In 2023, speeding continued to be a top reason for work zone crashes.

Even one life lost is too many.

Fatal work zone crashes doubled in 2023 - Washington had 10 fatal work zone crashes on state roads.

It's in EVERYONE’S best interest.

95% of people hurt in work zones are drivers, their passengers or passing pedestrians, not just our road crews.